Grilled Georgia Peaches

Growing up in Miami, we gorged on fresh mangos straight from the trees on hot summer days. We would peel and eat them over the sink with the warm juices running down our arms and dripping from our chins. My childhood home is situated on former farm land. In those days, every other acre was dedicated to mango or avocado trees. It's hard to imagine the neighborhood, now dotted with McMansions with pristine landscaping, as orchards. But I remember moving there in 1972, when there were still three horse stables and a lawn jockey on our quiet street. Young families were moving in replacing the old timers and as soon as we kids ditched our training wheels it was unbridled freedom of bike rides along the banyan tree-canopied paths.
Living in Georgia, peaches take the place of mangos as a summer repast. We lug bags of them home from the farmers market, setting the fruit on the window sill to ripen in the sun. We fire up the BBQ every chance we get for our favorite summer side dish: Grilled Peaches. Simple and delicious.
I've started a tradition of shipping my inlaws crates of Pearson's Peaches from Georgia to their home on Martha's Vineyard in advance of a our summer visits. In part it's a gift but in truth I can't imagine spending two weeks anywhere over the summer without eating them. Jeff will pick up fresh bluefish from Larsen's Fish Market in Menemsha, and we'll grill the peaches alongside the fish (skin side down - no flipping - for a crispy outside and juicy inside) and steam corn on the cobb in the kitchen. Sometimes I'll make a chimichurri or a vinaigrette with preserved lemon for the fish. Sometimes we'll slather butter on the corn. But the peaches? They're perfect just simply grilled flesh side down.
As the summer juggle of kids coming to and from camp, summer school, road trips and Martha's Vineyard begins with airport runs, piles of laundry everywhere, friends pouring in and out of the wreck room and family meals, we'll grill steaks, burger, sausage and chicken. There will be huge salads. And fresh bread. And we'll always have grilled peaches.
Grilled Peaches
Six peaches cut cross wise
Hot Grill
Heat up the grill and place the peaches flesh side down for about two to five minutes. Sip a cocktail. Run your fingers across the tips of the herbs in your garden. Breath it in. Rotate the peach so you get a cross mark. Keep grilling for another two to five minutes. Enjoy!